☀️Balancing Summer Fun and Self-Care: Your Mid-Summer Guide

Hello Reader,

Last month we chatted about all the open space on the calendar that was ripe for the picking. Pool parties, orchard visits, yummy new recipes, family gatherings, dinner parties, gardening, vacations — the world was our oyster. Now that we’re heading into the back half of the summer holiday, it’s time to start giving ourselves grace when we look at the things that might not make it onto the schedule.

Fortunately, there’s still plenty of time to tackle the most important items on your big, fat, summer bucket list. For me, this means getting out to pick fresh blueberries to freeze, preserve, and use in delicious summer treats like this lemon blueberry ice cream that’s the perfect evening treat!

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In Today’s Edition

  • Open yourself up to what’s possible with a reclining butterfly pose.
  • Should you tackle a massive (fun) to-do list at the expense of your well-being?
  • Competing priorities? My strategy for how to get it all and keep everyone happy.

On the Mat

This month, I’d like to share a beautiful pose called the Reclining Butterfly (Supta Baddha Konasana) to help you open your chest and breathe deeply as you get ready to tackle the final weeks of summer.

To complete this sequence, you’ll need a bolster, two yoga blocks, a blanket, and an eye mask. Pillows can be used in place of the bolster and blocks!

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  1. Gather all your supplies and sit down on the ground in a quiet location with your legs out in front of you.
  2. Position the bolster lengthwise behind you with one end positioned right at the base of your spine.
  3. Bring your heels together and gently pull your feet toward your pelvis.
  4. Place one block under each knee to support your legs.
  5. Gently lay back on the bolster, slowly stretching your spine.
  6. Place the blanket under your head if you need additional support.
  7. Cover your eyes with your eye mask.
  8. Allow your arms to rest palms up at your sides.
  9. Breathe deeply as you feel the stretch across your chest.
  10. Hold this position for 3–5 minutes.
  11. When you’re ready to release the pose, bring your knees together and roll to your side.
  12. Stay on your side and take a few deep breaths before sitting up.

Off the Mat

Remember how I said finishing off your summer bucket list was as simple as prioritizing your events and activities and scheduling the most important items? If only it was that easy.

For some of us, prioritizing a to-do list is a monumental task because it feels like every item is important — especially when the list includes fun activities that bring you joy and the wants and needs of others in our families and circles of friends. With so many competing priorities, is it even possible to balance your inner well-being and what others want you to do?

Situations like this are when I encourage my clients and friends to take a quiet 15 minutes to rest, reassess, and reflect to decide what they really want out of a situation. This moment of meditation is a great opportunity to work through a yoga pose or simple sequence like the one I shared today.

My Strategy for Tackling a Bucket List

Here’s my strategy for maintaining my well-being when I need to balance rest with the desire to see and experience a lot of things in a limited amount of time. This is a particularly wonderful approach to planning out a family vacation so you can have it all without feeling like you need a few days to recover when you return home.

Before you leave for the trip, call a family meeting to set expectations. Have everyone write down three things they want to do or see on the trip. Then, create a master list of all the activities or experiences you’ve all written down. Add one activity to the calendar on each day of the trip so each person’s wants or desires are represented at least once.

With this approach, everyone gets to experience something from their wish list at least once during the vacation. Remind everyone that they might not get to do what they want every single day, but that they’re all supporting each other. This method has allowed me and my family to create harmony and balance on more than one occasion.

Not the type of person who wants to create a schedule? I still recommend adding at least one event to your calendar every day so you have a structure that’s not restrictive, but still gives you direction so you can check off all the most important items from your to-do list.

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Designed to help you elevate your daily life through the power of thankfulness, the Divine Gratitude journal is a harmonious blend of morning inspiration, evening reflections, and gratitude challenges that encourage self-reflection and foster a positive mindset. Divine Gratitude is not just a journal; it's a companion on your journey to a more fulfilling and appreciative life where every page is a stepping stone toward nurturing your heart and embracing gratitude—one day at a time.

Final Thoughts

As we savor the last golden days of summer, I encourage you to embrace the moments that bring you joy and fulfillment. Remember that it's perfectly fine if not every item on your summer bucket list gets checked off. What's important is that you prioritize what truly matters to you and make time for self-care and relaxation.

Give yourself the grace to let go of perfection and instead, relish the experiences that come your way. Whether it's through a simple yoga sequence, a quiet moment of reflection, or a shared laugh with loved ones, these are the moments that enrich our lives.

Warm Regards,

Donna Sarah Khan

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