Feeling Overwhelmed? It’s Time to Prioritize YOU 🤍

Hello Reader,

I know what you need right now.

You need permission to slow down and be intentional. To take time to take care of yourself. To create silence that allows for moments of clarity.

As busy mothers, ambitious entrepreneurs, successful corporate leaders, and engaged members of your home and community, there’s always a lot going on. And this time of year, back-to-school routines, work obligations, and the hustle of preparing for the end of the year can leave little room for one essential thing: you.

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In Today’s Edition

  • End the year strong by joining my virtual Harmony Within retreat!
  • You don’t need to twist yourself into knots to practice restorative yoga.
  • What exactly is “meditation,” anyway?

Harmony Within: A 4-Part Series to Find Mental Stillness, Physical Ease, and Connection with Your Inner Guidance

I’m offering four restorative sessions — one session a month over the next four months (September–December) — to guide you in developing grounding self-care rituals and meaningful moments of reflection.

By stepping away from the demands of our outer lives, we allow ourselves the invaluable opportunity to reconnect with the most powerful and nourishing sources of renewal: our breath, our awareness, and our inner essence.

Each hour-long session will include a restorative yoga practice and a guided meditation focused on intention-setting, gratitude, and reflection. You will come away from each session recharged, deeply nourished, and ready to embrace life with renewed energy and clarity.

🗓 Dates:

  • September 17th
  • October 22nd
  • November 19th
  • December 17th


  • 7:00–8:00 PM ET (Online)


  • Single session: $25
  • Four-session bundle: $89 (packaged at an 11% discount, this bundle includes a FREE Divine Gratitude journal eBook, session recordings, and access to the private Facebook group for ongoing support)

On the Mat: What Is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a slow, gentle practice focused on deep relaxation and healing. In each pose, we allow the body to fully relax into the support of props, encouraging deep breathing and releasing tension. It’s less about strength and flexibility, and more about quieting the mind and nurturing the body.

video preview

Here are 5 simple restorative poses to try at home:

  1. Reclining Butterfly (Supta Baddha Konasana): A gentle chest opener that invites relaxation and grounding.
  2. Child’s Pose (Balasana): Releases tension in the back and invites introspection.
  3. Supported Bridge (Setu Bandhasana): A heart-opening pose that supports the lower back and opens the chest.
  4. Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani): Elevates the legs to encourage circulation and ease tired feet.
  5. Savasana (Corpse Pose): The ultimate pose for deep relaxation and allowing your body to rest fully.

Each of these poses will help you release physical tension, unwind mentally, and make space for reflection.

Off the Mat: How to Practice Quiet Meditation

There are many types of meditation, including guided, mindfulness, movement, and breath-focused. But quiet, receptive meditation is perfect for busy women who crave peace and simplicity. It’s a subtle way to regain a sense of calm amidst the noise and demands of life.

The goal of receptive meditation is simply to sit in stillness and allow yourself to be open and aware of what comes up. In this type of meditation, you’re not looking for anything — you’re asking for guidance. It's a space for observing and accepting. In quiet, receptive meditation, you are open to whatever feelings, thoughts, or insights arise without judgment.

Remember, new downloads and realizations don’t come during the meditation; they come in the clarity after the silence.

Here’s how you can start:

  1. Find a comfortable seated or lying-down position.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle your body.
  3. Allow your thoughts to come and go, without attaching to them.
  4. Sit quietly, noticing the rhythm of your breath.
  5. Remain open to any feelings or thoughts that arise, gently releasing them as you continue breathing.

Try this practice for just 5 minutes to start, and notice how it shifts your energy.

Final Thoughts

I know how easy it is to put yourself last when your days are packed with work, family, and endless to-dos. But my At Home Retreat is truly an opportunity to prioritize your well-being and reclaim a space that’s just for you. Let’s make these last months of the year a time of peace, balance, and reflection — starting with a simple, restorative yoga practice and a quiet moment of meditation.


Donna Sarah Khan

Divine Gratitude Journal

Discover Inner Peace and Wellness with Donna Sarah

Do you want to add creative, new dimensions to your life and your personal yoga work? If so, you’re in the right place. Whether you want to enhance your daily practice, join others in a blended experience workshop, journey to an exotic location, or even just give yourself a pause to meditate, let’s plan your next yoga adventure today.

PO Box 41, Lakewood, NY 14750
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Sarah Khan Yoga

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